RELIANCE Intelligent Lighting
The RELIANCE Intelligent Lighting is ADB SAFEGATE’s state-of-the art individual light control and monitoring system that makes ground movements safer and faster while it visually complements the verbal communication between tower and pilots. The RELIANCE Intelligent Lighting is multi-functional, modular and flexible, and can be customized on request depending on airport size, traffic volume, specific conditions or different CAT operating modes. RELIANCE Intelligent Lighting has a number of valuable features to increase your airport’s efficiency and capacity that can be divided into the areas of operation, installation and maintenance.
Key Features and Benefits
- Selective control and monitoring of various airfield lighting devices.
- Flexible circuit design due to software-based segmentation.
- Failed-lamp detection and location identification through real-time lamp status.
- Relevant information concerning the status of connected airfield lighting devices to both airport maintenance
and air traffic control personnel. - Stop bar control and monitoring; taxiway routing support.
- Elevated and in-pavement Runway Guard Light (RGL) control and monitoring, CAT II/III monitoring support.
- Enables Follow the Greens through active visual guidance.
- Key component of A-SMGCS.
- Low current (2A) operation (option).
- Integrated remote unit (option).
- High data capacity (option).
- Remotes with SELV limiter (option).
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